Monday, January 23, 2012

My Starting Stats

OK so Here we go, Day one of my long journey to get fit and stay fit! and I have talked myself into posting before photos! yes I know I am crazy! I am a person is is very self conscious about my looks, especially my weight, and I hate to think that people could possibly be talking about me in a negative way, BUT I also feel that for me to really CHANGE, I NEED to do this! I have several ideas to help motivate me along the way in my weight loss, but this is one of the main outlets for that, so here goes...

My Stats to start are:
Starting weight : 246.8
Neck: 15.25
Bust: 48.5
Waist : 45
Hips: 52
thighs (r and l) 28

and the end all be all, my starting photos, I tried to find the most unflattering clothing I possibly could so that the photos for after would be better comparable. so here they are a front view and a side view.

Well, there you have it, proof that I am the walrus! LOL Hey I am aloud to pick on myself right!?

More updates to come! I am excited about really getting into this! <3<3<3